Justin Hodgson’s “A Post-Production Turn: New Media, New Practice, New Ontology” is complex and has many layers. There is the video, the video’s transcript, as well as the online journal article. Each part brings a different experience and works better together rather than individually.
Watching the video remediation of Justin Hodgson’s A Post-Production Turn: New Media, New Practice, New Ontology was distracting and confusing. The video was unexpected and left you thinking “what just happened?” after it was finished.
For the overall purpose of the remediation, I believe that it accomplished it’s purpose. Although confusing, it still worked, at least when you think about it, it was successful in what it was trying to do. The video was showing different types of remediation.
The transcript of the video, “Microsoft Word – Hodgson Post Truth Something or Other” helped to understand what Justin was saying in the video itself. Which sometimes was hard to hear because of everything going on throughout the video.
The transcript made more sense than the video alone. After reading it (the transcript), it made me appreciate the video more than I did before. There were moments when I wondered why Justin chose the imagery he chose with his word choices. The imagery was vivid and used something more commonly known with a topic that not as many people know. There were even moments when I wondered why Justin chose what words to combined. It was interesting reading words that he had made up by combining certain words. Even though the words were made up, they still somehow made sense.
The online journal article, “A Post-Production Turn: New Media, New Practice, New Ontology” explains the background of the project overall. It was interesting to read why and how this project came to be. One can go without reading the article, but reading it enhances the overall experience.
And so, Justin Hodgson’s project was complex with different layers. The layers worked better with one another. All of the parts enhances one’s experience of this project. If experiencing this project without any of the three parts, it would not be a good one. Justin was able to achieve remediation through his project that made sense even when it didn’t.
Works Cited:
Hodgson, Justin. A Post-Production Turn: New Media, New Practice, New Ontology. Youtube, 21 June 2018, www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GaGCVhaIqw.
Hodgson, Justin. “A Post-Production Turn: New Media, New Practice, New Ontology.” Textshop Experiments, Textshop Experiments, textshopexperiments.org/textshop05/post-truth-something-or-other.
Hodgson, Justin. “Microsoft Word – Hodgson Post Truth Something or Other.” https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53da691ce4b0106ba2018340/t/5b2c60b7aa4a99c8977e865a/1529635000095/Hodgson+Post+Truth+Something+or+Other.pdf